Lifecycle of a Project

1: Initial Consultation

In the first meeting, we will discuss what you want out of your new space. Do you have design inspirations? Colour preferences? Specific wood choices? We want to get to know your style to make sure that we can provide you with the space that you deserve.


2: Initial Concept Drawing

After understanding your vision for your new space, we will get to work drawing up the first set of designs for the project. We will incorporate each aspect of your vision with care and provide a first draft that we think you’ll love.


3: Meeting #2

In our second meeting, we will go over our first set of drawings with a fine tooth comb. We will discuss any changes that you think should be made, then talk about specifics like hardware colour, the ways each door will open, and so on.

4: Design Amendment

After going over the specific changes you would like to make, we will make the necessary adaptations and provide a second set of drawings that are tailored to your preferences.


5: Project Sign Off

After finding a design that we are both happy with, we will send you a final copy of the plans for you to sign. After that, we get to work!


6: Production

Now comes the fun part! After finalizing designs, we get to work building your new space. We do a bulk of the work in our shops, then we move operations to your home. Prepare to watch as your plans become a reality! Soon enough, you’ll be looking at a brand new space that will last the rest of your life! Get excited!!